I had planned on taking thirteen weeks of maternity leave. One whole week to myself, and then the next twelve to be with the baby after he arrived. Instead, I got all thirteen weeks with my little guy...
My last day of work was Friday, November 5th. I had been counting down the days because I was tired. It was still pretty warm and I'd been going to a lot of meetings on campus that last week. Needless to say, I was ready to do some relaxing. I couldn't wait to finally be on leave. My boss told me I could take a half day to go home and relax. So after lunch with a co worker, I headed home. Joe went in to work at 6am that day, so he was home at 2pm. We sat around on the couch together for a bit before deciding to go to Chipotle for dinner. Before we left for dinner, I made a quick potty trip- ***TMI ALERT***- only to discover that I'd lost my mucus plug. Not just some of it, not just a tinge of blood- THE WHOLE DARN THING. There really wasnt any confusion. I knew what it was, and was kind of excited. However, I'd read that it really wasn't much to get excited about, as it could take weeks to go into labor after it's appearence. I of course called to tell my mom, who apparently called my brother who called my dad. My mom also spoke with a friend who is a nurse and she said that it is definitely a sign that "things are starting". My sister in law also said that she want into labor within a few hours of losing hers. I still wasnt buying it.
Anyway, Chipotle was quite delicicious and apparently the last thing I'd eat for the next 20 hours. After Chipotle I wanted to stop by Target and see about getting a new camera, since ours was pretty junky and we'd need a better one to take pictures of the little man. We picked the one we wanted and then headed back home.
When we got home, Joe went out to the garage to work on a putter that he was cleaning up for a member at the club. I was super excited to plop on the couch and watch Private Practice- it was the episode after Charlotte got attacked and I couldn't wait to find out what happened. So there I was, all of 15 minutes in, when I realized I had to pee. As soon as I stood up, however, my water broke. Right there. Just a small gush. Then some more. I ran to the bathroom, where it was completely evident to me that, "holy crap, my water just brok". I ran to the garage (still leaking amniotic fluid- it's never ending, apparently) to tell Joe. He responded with "seriously?" before jumping up and coming inside.
I called the hospital who informed me that the on call doctor woul call me back- she did within ten minutes and said to get things together and get to the hospital by 10pm. This was at about 8pm, so we had some time to kill. Joe took a shower and I made sure I had everything packed. I was so giddy! I couldnt feel any contractions, so other than the constant leaking, everything was bliss! I ran around packing up all the last minute items we had on our list....computer, ipod, new camera( good timing, huh?), snacks for me and Joe, cell phone chargers, etc. Then I jumped in the shower- redid my hair and make up- yep, I did it- and then put a cute little headband on and of course took a picture to document the still blissfull state I was in.
Then we threw everything in the car, and headed out the door...
To Be Continued!
How To Propagate Succulents
2 weeks ago
yay! so glad you are doing this!
Hey! I'm so glad that you're blogging again and I can't wait to hear the rest of your birth story and to see more pictures!!!
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