Here's my week 35 update
Brody is 18 inches long and 5 1/4 pounds. He's about as big/heavy as a honeydew melon. He should adding more weight in the coming weeks, but his length will stay around 18 inches.
Milestone: I'm officially going to the doctor every week now. I had the GBS screening done at the appointment and I also got my flu shot. It was ssomething I was avoiding, but decided to do anyway. I got a sweet snoopy band-aid though, so it was totally worth it. And aalthough I'd like the little guy to stay inside me and cook for a little while longer, he'd be healthy if he were to arrive now.
Feeling: Really good, actually. It's hot again. Damn this Indian Summer. So, other than sweating more that the normal person and constantly wanting the AC on, I'm doing pretty good. Energy level is still the same, though I was on a super mission this weekend when we were working on the nursery.
Movement: He had the hiccups twice this weekend. One of the times was while we were in our baby class, so Joe got to feel them for the first time. It's a cool thing. The other thing I've been feeling- and I'll put it in this section because, technically it's his movements fault- is a shooting pain in my nether regions. The doctor said it's the baby moving in a way that hits a nerve, much like hitting your funny bone. When he moves and hits the nerve, I get this shooting pain. It's not awful, just catches me off guard- literally like hitting your funny bone....though I'm not feeling it in my elbow. :)
Wishing for: You know what I'm going to say....cooler weather. Still waiting for Fall...
Looking Forward To: My Anniversary, Halloween and maternity leave! It's all so close!
Thankful for: I'm still feeling very blessed that I've had a relatively easy pregnancy. I'm so lucky to have mom friends to turn to for questions and support. I love hearing other people's experiences. So many of my mom friends have been more than generous with letting us borrow their baby items, saving us tons of money. It's so great knowing what items worked and didn't work for them. I'm also very excited for friends who are just beginning the pregnancy journey. I can't wait to share my experiences with them and have our babies grow up together. :) I feel very lucky to have a husband who gets just as excited as I do about little tiny baby clothes and setting up the nursery. It's been really fun preparing for Brody, so I know it's going to be even more fun when he gets here.
Reading: Still reading Tori Spelling's book...Yeah, I'm slow.
Favorite clothes right now: Are you kidding me? None. I'm STILL wearing summer dresses....the same ones I've been wearing since May. I'd welcome snow at this point.
Current Project: I need to pack my hospital bag (is it too early?), put the car seat base in Joe's car and gather a few more items off of our "to get" list before Brody gets here. I also need to go to Pottery Barn to purchase the crib quilt and maybe get a side table for next to the crib.
Current Food Cravings: Still loving cheese and meat. Sometimes I like meat and cheese together. Ohhhh, a cheese steak would be amazing right now. Hmmm, I'll have to plan that for later.
Stretch marks: no "stretchies" yet. That's what Joe calls them. He also calls leggings stretchies. He's so cute.
35 week photo: I had every intention on taking a picture this weekend, and didn't. How about some more maternity photos? Hopefully I'll be posting nursery pics soon, so that will make up for (yet again) not having a weekly update picture.
How To Propagate Succulents
2 weeks ago
Love the pictures - you look awesome!
Love the bump! You're getting so exciting!!!
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